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Aren’t You Dreaming A Bit Short For A Stormtrooper?

| Romantic | May 17, 2015

(My boyfriend and I are in bed, him completely asleep, though I’m not quite there yet. Note that we got some miniatures earlier in the week, but none of them were Stormtroopers. He suddenly rolls to face me, quite excited though his eyes are closed.)

Boyfriend: *excited* “That’s a lot of Stormtrooper minis! I should show [Friend]!”

Me: “What Stormtrooper minis, hon? You didn’t get any.”

Boyfriend: “No! That’s a lot of Stormtrooper minis! I need to show [Friend]!”

Me: “There are no Stormtrooper minis!”

Boyfriend: *agitated* “Yes, there are! They’re right there! I NEED to show [Friend]!”

(He was so irritated that I didn’t say anything more or I would burst out laughing. He mumbled angrily a bit more, rolled back over, and quieted. He did not remember any of it in the morning.)

Question of the Week

Have you ever served a bad customer who got what they deserved?

I have a story to share!