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Always… Look… Under… The… Car Seat!

, , , , | Related | August 5, 2019

(It’s Christmas Eve. My dad and I are waiting in the parking lot for my mom and aunt to come outside. Dad’s putting the address into the GPS.)

Dad: “Crap!”

Me: “What’s wrong?”

Dad: “The fuse fell out.” *gets out of the car to look* “I don’t see it.” *pushes seat up* “Can you see if it rolled under my seat?”

Me: *looks under the seat but not sure what it looks like* “All I see under here is something blue. Is it blue?”

Dad: “No, it’s small and round. What’s the blue thing?”

Me: *pulls it out and hands it to Dad*

Dad: “I don’t believe it!”

(They were my dad’s reading glasses that had been missing since August. They’d looked through the car multiple times and even called the place down the shore where they’d stayed because they thought someone had taken them. Fortunately, he was able to buy reading glasses at the same strength. These were just his prescription glasses. Just goes to show that everything happens for a reason. If the fuse hadn’t fallen out, they still would have been lost. And yes, he found the fuse!)

Question of the Week

Have you ever served a bad customer who got what they deserved?

I have a story to share!