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Unfiltered Story #326613

, | Unfiltered | April 28, 2024

Working on the Las Vegas Strip, you see EVERYTHING in terms of people. The homeless, the wealthy, families, influencers, etc.

There was a gaming convention going on a month back and there was an attendee who had a mobility device that he used laying on his stomach, as it appeared he couldn’t sit up at all. Very nice guy, was totally fine. However, it was the customer who entered my store after the attendee had left it. She saw his mobility device, made this face of major disdain and fear while pulling her daughter to her other side away from the attendee. As soon as he fully left the area, she turned to look at me and goes “My god, could you imagine being THAT?!”

That made me lose all faith in humanity. Why say that to someone you don’t know, in front of your daughter, in general?

Question of the Week

Have you ever served a bad customer who got what they deserved?

I have a story to share!