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Unfiltered Story #323029

, , | Unfiltered | April 19, 2024

I’m a child of the 80s and happen to have several severe food allergies. This isn’t really a common thing yet in schools and my parents had been having trouble with my elementary school and daycare trying to feed me things I’m allergic to.

We moved to a new state, so new elementary school, and the new allergy circus began…

I heard everything from:
Food allergies aren’t real.
God is punishing you with food allergies for being a sinner.
If God loved you, you wouldn’t have this problem.

My first grade teacher was actually really great, but one day we had a substitute. Note: my lunch was always packed. Substitute teacher felt my packed lunch wasn’t good enough and tossed it in the garbage. She then proceeded to make me eat a school lunch. It was a corn dog and there was a side of peaches. I’m allergic to both beef and pork and also stone fruit. I tried to tell her that I was super allergic and couldn’t eat any of it. She didn’t believe me.

She pulled the food allergies aren’t real bit and forced me to eat everything on the tray. Within 10 minutes I was covered in hives, told her I didn’t feel well, and wanted to go to the nurse. She refused. I stood up to run to the bathroom and she attempted to stop me. I proceeded to exorcist projectile vomit all over the place, hitting her mid chest. It was a glorious scene.

I FINALLY got to the school nurse, who took one look at me, popped me with epi, then called an ambulance. The teacher was fired, which was an exceptional outcome for the time! She’s kept muttering about how was she supposed to know my allergies were real! The school nurse pointed out that there was a note in the attendance book with an entire list as soon as you opened it.

Question of the Week

Have you ever served a bad customer who got what they deserved?

I have a story to share!