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Unfiltered Story #311555

, , | Unfiltered | December 9, 2023

<i> My parents and I recently went to our favourite garden centre to buy a few things. One of the items was a product that was sold by the metre, and had to be cut by a member of staff. As we looked around for an employee, I saw a woman nearby, heading in our direction – while she was not wearing the red fleece which most employees wear, she was wearing a red lanyard with keys etc on it, so I approached her </i>

<b> Me: </b> Hi, do you work here?

<b> Woman: </b> Yes…

<b> Me: </b> We were wondering if we could get some of [product] cut for us please?

<b> Woman: </b> Well, I’m sure you can, if you ask somebody who actually works here. They’re over there, wearing the red fleece. <i> *walks away* </i>

<b> Me: </b> <i> *turning to my parents* </i> I didn’t just imagine that, right? She said she worked here when I asked?

<i> My parents agreed that I had heard correctly, and we all stood baffled for a moment before finding an actual employee to assist us. </i

Question of the Week

Have you ever served a bad customer who got what they deserved?

I have a story to share!