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Unfiltered Story #311554

, | Unfiltered | December 9, 2023

Is It My ‘Right’ To Be Ignored?

Because of my disability, using a phone has always been very difficult for me. As I have got older, ‘very difficult’ has become ‘impossible’. Although I can still look after myself, some hard jobs, such as house cleaning and gardening, have also become impossible.

I decide to contact the government department that helps disabled people like me, and see if I can get some help with my cleaning and gardening.

I send an email to the department, detailing my disability and situation, particularly drawing attention to my inability to use a phone.
I get a reply telling me to phone them on a certain number.
I reply, again detailing my situation, and again stressing my inability to use a phone.
I get another reply telling me to phone them on the same number.
This goes around and around a number of times before I give up on them.

I send an email to the government minister in charge of the department, reporting the above, and again stressing my inability to use a phone.
I get a reply telling me to phone the department on the same number as above.
After three similar exchanges I give up on them too.

I send an email to the Government Ombudsman, detailing all that has happened so far, again stressing my inability to use a phone.
I get a reply telling me to phone them and discuss my problems.
I repeat my email, again stressing my inability to use a phone.
After this has gone around a few times I give up on them too.

This is now getting out of hand, and I’m starting to feel that I am being discriminated against.

I send an email to the Human Rights Commissioner, detailing the problem and stressing my inability to use a phone, as usual.
I get a reply telling me that they have opened a file on my situation and to phone a certain number and talk to an investigator.
Again I send another email, again stressing my situation as regards using a phone.
I get a reply saying that unless I talk to an investigator they cannot investigate the matter.
I reply yet again, repeating myself.
I few days later, get a reply saying that since I have not contacted them, they have closed the file.

It seems that my situation is not covered by their rules so they don’t know what to do with me.

I don’t know whether to laugh or cry.

Question of the Week

Have you ever served a bad customer who got what they deserved?

I have a story to share!