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Unfiltered Story #306242

, , | Unfiltered | October 17, 2023

So, I have a co-worker (CW) that used to be pretty good, and has now become a problem.

CW is now mad at our manager (because of CW’s own stupid behavior in doing something forbidden – thrice!)

Our manager circulates a “voluntold” sheet for the second-shift liaison stints. Pretty much everybody has to cover second shift for a month, usually about every two years , and the sheet lets you pick which month.

He circulates the sheet by email . . . and it disappears somewhere en-route.

Now since there’s a receipt attached, he knows how far it got . . . and the next person on the list after CW didn’t get it.

It turns out that CW had set up an email rule to automatically delete all mails from the supervisor, observing “I ignore everything from over there”, waving at the supervisor’s cubicle.

And of course the supervisor “had it in for him.”

Thankfully, CW took early retirement soon after, though he wanted to come back later . . . nope!

Question of the Week

Have you ever served a bad customer who got what they deserved?

I have a story to share!