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Unfiltered Story #294835

, , | Unfiltered | July 1, 2023

I want to preface this with saying this story is very much NAW, who’s worse is up to you. Some details are fudged due to passage of time.
A couple of years ago, I was working at one of the local Subways, all owned by the same woman. About a 3 weeks after I started, this other girl wound up starting, let’s call her Kelsey. Kelsey didn’t seem interested in taking instruction, and was taking her sweet time learning to do the job. She spent a lot of time in the back on her phone, while letting me or whoever else she was working with handle… pretty much everything. About a week later, another girl started. We’ll call her Mandy. Mandy was clearly trying, but when I first met her, it was her second day, so she was still figuring things out. But she was getting there. (There wasn’t a whole lot to learn)
I had noticed that the managers insisted on giving Kelsey as much time as she needed to figure it out. But they were cracking down hard on Mandy, insisting she needed to get this down STAT. Double standards at play. I wound up going to the manager that day and pointed out as much: nobody seemed interested in cracking down on Kelsey, but they were putting a lot of pressure on Mandy. Totally not fair, and it would be probably be best to either crack down on Kelsey, or ease up on Mandy. Both would be best, really. The manager’s response? No. Just a straight up no.
I admit I got overly upset. I’ve struggled with such things in the past, and was still figuring out how to combat them at the time. I wound up violently panning bread for a couple of minutes before I was told to just go home for the day, and on the way out, I accidentally pushed someone into a doorframe (I was so angry I decided to ‘thrust’ myself through the doorway, throwing my arms out to do so, and they walked in just as my arms were in motion. I would’ve made impact even if I tried to stop.) and tried to slam the door on the way out, but couldn’t because hydraulics, so, I donkey kicked it. I felt the glass flex, and went off to the grass nearby to calm down and wait for the next bus.
I didn’t wait for too long, though. A friend showed up and offered to give me a ride home, which I accepted. I shortly afterwards received a text saying that I was fired, and to turn in my uniform. Unbeknownst to me, however, the police had been called. I had broken the door. I only found out about this in court, after receiving a letter saying I had to be in court on a certain day, since I had refused to look back at the building after I left, and hadn’t really paid attention since. The last I heard from the owner was her telling me to turn in my uniform. She never showed up in court, or even mentioned the broken door, which kinda rubbed me the wrong way. (Had she informed me herself I would’ve been shocked and offered to do whatever I could to correct it, since property damage was the furthest thought from my mind. As it was, I wound up doing community service because I couldn’t afford to pay up without a job…)
And that’s the story behind my personal boycott of any Subway owned by her.

Question of the Week

Have you ever served a bad customer who got what they deserved?

I have a story to share!