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Unfiltered Story #294826

, , | Unfiltered | July 1, 2023

I’m the assistant manager at a [Hotel Chain] and because we’re so close to the head office branch we get a lot of management stopping in. I get on well with my boss professionally but we rarely see each other as she works mornings. I get on very well with her manager however as he calls in regularly.

One day, a third manager comes up to me in the middle of a shift and says she needs to me to come into my boss’s office straightaway. When I get there My Boss, Boss’s Boss and Other Manager crowed around a bunch of receipts.

My Boss: “[My Name] you’re good with numbers right? Come help us, we need to find receipts for these 3 amounts” *gestures at a piece of paper on the table with numbers of it*

Let’s say the numbers were 771.36, 663.54 and 335.58

Boss’s Boss: “[Owner’s Wife] had her bank account details stolen a few months ago and has to dispute all charges she doesn’t recognize, but she only has the amounts of charges and [Hotel Chain] name to go on.”

It’s a grueling and tedious job but I’ve done it a lot over the years so I jump in and start helping out but I have an awkward seat at the desk so I have to stand up to get a receipt bunch each time I finish a stack. After a while I notice I’m getting weird looks from the other three.

Me: “What? What is it?”

My Boss: *narrows eyes* “How are you getting through them so quickly?”

Other Manager: *nodding* “Yeah, you jump out of your seat so much it’s like you’re going to take off!”

I look down and out of the four stacks of receipts, mine is slightly larger but only about 10 or 15 stacks more.

Me: “It’s not that much more than anyone else has gone through, you just notice me more when I’m done because I have to stand every time. Plus looking for 77, 66 and 33 isn’t super hard.”

A few seconds pass before My Boss and Other Manager look at each other shaking their heads as Boss’s Boss bursts out laughing.

Boss’s Boss: *Points at the other two* “I know you two didn’t cop it either. I guess we’ve been off the floor too long.”

They had been looking at the piece of paper on the table each time they had a new number whereas I was looking at it only if the first two numbers matched! My Boss made a joke that she wasn’t paying me enough and then we all moved a bit faster.

On the bright side, even though it took a few hours we found the charges and My Boss and I have become much friendlier. And yes I did get a small raise a few months later!

Me: “I don’t have that much more

Question of the Week

Have you ever served a bad customer who got what they deserved?

I have a story to share!