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Unfiltered Story #294825

, , | Unfiltered | July 1, 2023

“Bill” and I are the same age, we used to work and drink together. Every weekend we would go to the clubs drink to much and regret it on the Monday.

As we grew older, I felt I wanted something more. I started to work harder to get a promotion. The clubs and excessive drinking didnt appeal as much as they did (nor did the hangovers) I
I settled down had children, got that promotion.

Bill still lived for the weekend. As more people his age settled down, Bill was progressivelygot older than his social group. It was a bit sad to see a grown man hanging around with teenagers.

Bill would tease me about my “boring life” how o was tied down and my life was over. He genuinely thought he was some playboy heartbreaks, living it up.

Then the lockdown hit, no pubs clubs or bars. Bills favourite hobby of destroying his liver was suddenly not so social anymore.
I didn’t see Bill for a year, but eventually bumped into him at work.

Me: Bill?

Bill: oh hey.

Me: what happened to you? You look great. I mean you look good. I don’t think I’ve ever seen you in an ironed shirt!

Bill: turns out partying isn’t forever, and I thought maybe you were on to something, sorting your life out I mean.

Me: thats great to hear. Listen there is a role in my team coming up. You should think about applying.

Bill: thanks, I have. Think you could put a good work in for me?

Me: sure.

(Bill didn’t get the job, all those years in an entry level job without proving himself. They felt showed he lacked drive and ambition. However he kept trying a eventually got a new role in another department. He seems to be doing well.)

Question of the Week

Have you ever served a bad customer who got what they deserved?

I have a story to share!