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Unfiltered Story #293072

, , | Unfiltered | June 7, 2023

(Across from the registers where I work as a cashier was a display of porcelain coin banks that rotated through a large variety of franchises that was typically mixed together randomly. One shift I notice that they’re all from the same franchise for a change and point it out to my CSM.)

Me: “Hey, check that out.”

CSM: “Huh, I wonder why they’re all Frozen?”

Me: “I guess they forgot to defrost them.”

(The CSM shakes her head as she laughs)

CSM: “I really should hit you for that one.”

Me: “You know what you should do? Let it-”

CSM: “If you start singing THAT song I WILL hit you.”

Me: “That’s fine, it’s going to get stuck in your head anyway.”

(After that I end up with a few customers. After it slows down and the customers are all gone I get a light friendly hit from behind. I spin around to see the CSM.)

CSM: “That’s for getting that song stuck in my head.”

Question of the Week

Have you ever served a bad customer who got what they deserved?

I have a story to share!