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Unfiltered Story #292202

, , , | Unfiltered | May 23, 2023

For my 53rd birthday my 22 year old son sprung a surprise on me taking me to a D&B night at his favourite club. It is only a couple of miles from home, and D&B is a genre that I loved when it started in the 90s, when I did a lot of clubbing.

Not surprisingly the crowd is young, easily 90% under 30, and I see only one other person my age, a man.

I am a woman, fat, tattoo’d, my hair is bright blue for the occasion. Who knows if it is my appearance or just my age that displeases this man! He gives me the stinkeye!

However, I am out to have a good time, and danced and talked to many lovely (and young, obviously) people. Did not see old misery guts on the dance floor or hanging out in the chill out zone.

I am guessing that the cute young things weren’t interested in him!

I had such a great night, made all the more life affirming by the fact that a few years previously my life had been saved (from cancer) in the hospital just over the road.

Thank you to all of you (apart from grumpy grandpa of course!).

Question of the Week

Have you ever served a bad customer who got what they deserved?

I have a story to share!