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Unfiltered Story #289087

, , | Unfiltered | April 14, 2023

I’m about to retire. To celebrate, I made a reservation for my wife and myself at an expensive, upscale restaurant in town. A few weeks later, I get a phone call:

Manager: May I speak to [My Name]?

Me: Speaking.

Manager: Hi, this is [Manager] at [Restaurant].

Me: Oh, hi! What’s up?

Manager: I see you have a reservation with us for [Date]. I’m calling to tell you that the restaurant will be closed that night, so we have to cancel your reservation.

Me: Ah, let me guess, the restaurant is being rented for a private party?

Manager: That’s right. But since we know you’re a regular, we’d like to buy you dinner.

Me: I’m going to have to correct you, here. There’s more than one [My Name] living in this area, and as far as I can remember, we’ve never been to [Restaurant].

Manager: Oh. (*extremely* brief pause) Well, we’d like to buy you dinner anyway.

Me: That’s . . . really generous of you. Thank you. How about the next night, same time?

Manager: Done! I’ve made the new reservation. And thank you for being so flexible. See you then!

I plan to leave a very large tip, and if the food lives up to its reputation, and matches the service, this will become our new favorite celebration restaurant.

Question of the Week

Have you ever served a bad customer who got what they deserved?

I have a story to share!