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Unfiltered Story #287819

, | Unfiltered | March 29, 2023

(My nephew and his father were chasing each other around the house. My cat is very annoyed by the stomping and noise. I hear the noise stop and my nephew scream, and a hiss. My BIL roars something. My sister runs out.)

Sister: “What’s going on!!”

Nephew: “Kittty scratch me!”

BIL: “We were just minding our business when kitty came out and swiped!”

(Apparently my cat had enough and swiped at their ankles, getting my nephew to bleed. My BIL roared at him to leave, and he did, and nephew’s cut was washed. He won’t come near kitty anymore and run around the house! I’m glad kitty wasn’t punished for attacking a kid.)

Question of the Week

Have you ever served a bad customer who got what they deserved?

I have a story to share!