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Unfiltered Story #284116

, , | Unfiltered | February 20, 2023

I work for an online store. A customer placed an order over the phone. This is the end of our conversation.

Customer: “So, which carrier are you going to use to ship my package?”

Me: “DPD.”

Customer: “Pardon?”

Me: “D-P-D.”

Customer: “I don’t know them.”

In my country DPD vans are fully red. It’s one of the most used carriers and everyone knows it.

Me: “DPD. The red one.”

Customer, serious: “He has red hair?”

Before I could even answer, she realized what she said.

Customer: “Oh… wait!”

She started to laugh.

Me, also laughing: “I don’t know if your local delivery driver has red hair, but the van is red for sure!”

Question of the Week

Have you ever served a bad customer who got what they deserved?

I have a story to share!