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Unfiltered Story #282300

, , | Unfiltered | January 31, 2023

(My boyfriend and I met online and haven’t met in person yet. In this story, we are making plans to see each other this upcoming Labor Day weekend. It’s 2 am and I am exhausted, but still thrilled at planning whatever we’re going to be doing.)
BF: *goes AFK (he had to grab some paper)*
Me: *exhausted, so I’m falling asleep with my laptop on my lap, head resting on my hand*
(After a few minutes)
BF: Hey, I’m back.
Me: *startled so bad I start to fall off the bed, quickly pushing the laptop onto the sheets before crashing to the floor*
BF: Love, are you okay?!
Me: *cue the silent laughter as I climb back onto the bed and sit there for a full minute laughing while my BF stares at me, perplexed*

Question of the Week

Have you ever served a bad customer who got what they deserved?

I have a story to share!