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Unfiltered Story #272495

, , , | Unfiltered | November 20, 2022

(I’m paraplegic, and use a wheelchair. I’m a graduate student, but still use the library as a quiet place to study, as the guy I currently share an apartment with is rather… loud.

I notice two male undergraduates looking at me from behind the bookstacks. They’re whispering to each other.I hear mention that I’m disabled. I’m used to such juvenile behavior, having experienced it for most of my life, but still expect better from f***ing college students.

I pick up some of their conversation.)

Student 1: You should ask him. What are you, chicken?

Student 2: No! He’ll get mad!

Student 1: Just go ask him! I dare ya!

Student 2: Fine!

(Student 2 approaches me.)

Student 2: Can I, um, ask you a question?

Me: (annoyed) Is it about my wheelchair?

Student 2: Not really. I just noticed the rainbow flag on your backpack, and you’re kinda cute. Do you want to get a beer with me tomorrow?

Me: (realizing that he’s just really shy) Sure, how about at [popular campus bar]?

(Student 2 goes back to his friend, gets a high-5. I meet with Student 2, he almost chickened out, but Student 1 forced him to go. Student 2 and I eventually got married.)

Question of the Week

Have you ever served a bad customer who got what they deserved?

I have a story to share!