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Unfiltered Story #267746

, , , | Unfiltered | September 10, 2022

(I take a martial arts class, and sometimes end up with injuries as a result. While I can usually deal with them on my own, I go to class one night and end up pulling something in my knee, which means I can’t bend it well and have to hobble home. I call my sister, who has a medical background, to discuss how to alleviate the pain and support the knee so it doesn’t get worse. Note: my sister lives in a rural area with a car. I live in Manhattan without one.)
Sister: I would suggest immobilizing it, either with an Ace bandage or a knee brace, taking an anti-inflammatory, and icing it. You should wear the brace while you’re relaxing, but it might be uncomfortable to walk in, so if you’re planning on doing a lot of walking, you could take it off for awhile.
Me *laughing*: I live in New York City.
Her: Yeah, I realized what I said right after I said it.

Question of the Week

Have you ever served a bad customer who got what they deserved?

I have a story to share!