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Unfiltered Story #266231

, , | Unfiltered | August 26, 2022

It’s the week before graduation during my senior year of college, and a group of friends and I decide to dress up and walk to a bar near campus to celebrate. Because it is relevant, everyone in our group is either female or afab non-binary (meaning they are often perceived as female by the unaware observer). I am a bisexual woman and one of the other women is straight, but other than the two of us no one in the group has any interest in men. As we are walking to the bar, several, clearly drunk, men lean out of the second story windows of a building and start heckling us. We ignore them, which apparently damages their pride, because one if them yells;

Cat-Caller: What, you gay or something?

Group: (enthusiastically) Yep!

Straight Friend: (quietly so that only we can hear her) I’m not, but shit like this makes me wish I was…

There is a long moment of silence as the men clearly were not expecting this answer. Finally one of them shouts, half-heartedly;

Cat-Caller: Oh, okay then…

We continue on our way and forget about them, but on the way back about two hours later, we pass the same building and they are still there. Apparently, one of them recognizes us.

Cat-Caller: You ladies have a gay night!

Group: (giggling, as we all find this situation hilarious after 2-3 drinks each) Thanks, you too!

Question of the Week

Have you ever served a bad customer who got what they deserved?

I have a story to share!