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Unfiltered Story #266233

, | Unfiltered | August 26, 2022

(My brother, me, my sister, and my sister’s husband are on a cruise. They have their 3 year old along too. My sister’s husband is kind of weird.)

SIster: “Say, why don’t we go to your room and play some cards?”

Me: “Why don’t we play in the game room?”

Sister: “No, [Her Son] will bother the other people there and it’s embarrassing.”

(I say no, but we go anyway. Our room is small, and once there, her husband barges in and throws himself on my brother’s bed and rolls around.)

Her husband: “Well, let’s play!”

(We try to set up the game, but then their son comes over and throws it all over and starts crying his eyes out.)

Her Husband: “[Son]! Bad boy. We can’t play and it’s all your fault!”

(He hauls him off outside, and my sister follows them. My brother and I are left with WTF faces. Parents really do live in their own world.)

Question of the Week

Have you ever served a bad customer who got what they deserved?

I have a story to share!