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Unfiltered Story #264717

, , | Unfiltered | August 5, 2022

(I get all four of my wisdom teeth taken out when I’m sixteen years old. I’m understandably in pain, but surprisingly lucid, enough to be slightly annoyed but understanding when my parents treat me like I’m made of glass. I don’t complain about the pain, just switch out my cold packs when I need to, take my meds on time, and settle in to binge-watch my favorite TV shows. The morning after I’m reading at the table while quietly sipping on a smoothie that I don’t like but know that I need to drink because I’m not yet cleared for anything besides cool or cold liquids. My parents are eating a more substantial breakfast while keeping an eye on me. My father is known for being a whiner.)

Mom: *turns to my father* “If you were in her place right now, you’d be bawling.”

Dad: “. . . Yeah.”

Question of the Week

Have you ever served a bad customer who got what they deserved?

I have a story to share!