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Unfiltered Story #260026

, | Unfiltered | June 12, 2022

I work at a Christian summer camp and one of my coworkers is very much against any sort of body mods, thus has a problem with me.
I was sitting down to lunch at a table with her and she immediately comes out and says,

“You know, you’d be so much prettier without tattoos, gauges and piercings.”

As I have dealt with problems with her before, (her telling me I’m going to hell because of body mods and such), and I know how impossible she is to talk to, I just immediately get up and find a new table, not saying anything.

Fast forward a few hours and she has apparently emailed my boss, complaining that I was rude and was bullying her. Got a call from him, and he was upset till I explained the situation, then he took my side.

Best part? I technically have three bosses and she just happened to call the one with tattoos, gauges and piercings.

(Note: this girl is very religious and is new to the faith and thus is very judgmental and harsh and rude towards people who don’t conform to what she believes, but this is not saying that all religious people are like that. We definitely are not)

Question of the Week

Have you ever served a bad customer who got what they deserved?

I have a story to share!