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Unfiltered Story #259787

, , | Unfiltered | June 6, 2022

I was about to start living with my aunt and she told to she had to mixed breeds that were her fur babies! So I of course was expecting some really pampered dogs and rolled my eyes at the thought. ( I have 2 working dogs, so I’m kinda anal about spoiling your dogs)

I walk in her house expecting really health, clean, and happy dogs.
What I walked into was the exact opposite. Her dogs were disgusting. Covered in fleas and sticks, nails digging in paws, extra.

Well I of course have my working dog with me, she’s a service dog. My aunt looks at how I treat my dog and goes ape shit “You abuse her, you don’t let her be a dog” well old lady. My dog goes to the vet 3 times a year, bathed once a week, fed 40$ dog food, and gets to the park regularly. I’m laughing by now, so you can imagine how badly my aunt loses it when everuone loves my dog but hates her “kids”

Question of the Week

Have you ever served a bad customer who got what they deserved?

I have a story to share!