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Unfiltered Story #258599

, , | Unfiltered | May 15, 2022

Several months ago, my Spanish teacher was setting up a Kahoot game for my class. I had a habit of getting creative with my usernames instead of using my actual name, which most of my classmates did. This time I used my chosen Spanish name from my first year of Spanish classes, which was Neva. When the name popped up on the roster, however, my teacher spoke up.

Teacher: “Who’s ‘Neva’?”

Me: *nervously raises hand*

Teacher: “[My name]? You’re Neva?”

Me: *still nervous* “Yeah.”

Teacher: “Where did you get that name?”

Me: “I chose it for Spanish 1 last year.”

Teacher: “Ah. I asked because that’s also my mom’s name.”

Now, whenever I think of my beloved Spanish name, I remember that it was also the name of my teacher’s mother. She even asked me after class where I’d found the name because it was so rare!

Question of the Week

Have you ever served a bad customer who got what they deserved?

I have a story to share!