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Unfiltered Story #258058

, | Unfiltered | May 7, 2022

(I’m waiting to check out with a basket of items, with one older man in front of me, and a man getting cashback that requires the cashier to get notes from her supervisor. There has been a short wait, no longer than 2 minutes, when a cashier at the end finishes with her queue and calls down that she is free)

Me *wheels basket over to her till and starts unpacking, whilst exchanging greetings and confirming I do have need a bag* “Oh, by the way, there are two of each of these three items in the basket”
Older gentleman who was in front of me in the previous queue “Well fine, I’ll just leave this here then!” *drops basket onto the floor and storms off*

*Cashier and I stare at each other, confused*
Me “Um, what? We have only just moved across, surely he can’t be upset because I walk faster and reacted quicker? I didn’t even know he was moving, I thought he was waiting!”
Cashier ” I have no idea…” *Finishes transaction and gives me receipt* “But if he had been patient he would be getting served now!”

And the best thing was that the gentleman who was causing the queue by wanting cashback walked out of the shop at the same time as me, so he would have been served at the same time at either till!

Question of the Week

Have you ever served a bad customer who got what they deserved?

I have a story to share!