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Unfiltered Story #251576

, , | Unfiltered | January 14, 2022

I am a new ATM repair tech on probation. I get sent to fix a jam at a clients machine at a sub-branch inside a larger retail store. To access the inside, we need to shut off the security system. Being on probation, I have not been given access to the database of codes and therefore have to call my lead tech to get the code. When he looks this specific device up, he can’t find it.

Lead: Contact [Bank Support] and have them put the alarm in test. Give them [password] so they know you’re legit.

I call support and they transfer me to the security group. I explain what I am calling for and ask that they place the alarm in test mode.

Security: Ok, what’s the ATM number?

Me: [number]

Security: Alright, and do you know he company password?

Me: [password]

Security: Great, and do you have the alarm code?

Me: No, that’s why I am asking you to put it in test mode.

Security: Well, without he code and the password, we can’t put it into test. So what is the code?

Me: I don’t know. If I had it, I would be able to enter it to shut off the alarm and not need to call you.

Security: But you need to give me the code and password so we can put it in test.

Rinse and repeat for 10 minutes. Finally, I’ve had enough and hang up. I guess no one will be getting any money from there until we can get the proper access code.

Question of the Week

Have you ever served a bad customer who got what they deserved?

I have a story to share!