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Unfiltered Story #248025

, , | Unfiltered | November 21, 2021

I’m living alone in an apartment for the first time and, having lived with animals my whole life, I decide it’s time for a cat. I fall in love with a cat at a local Humane Society and adopt her. The workers at the shelter said she was picked up off the streets and was in rough shape when they found her. But she was declawed and spayed when they found her so at some point she was somebody’s pet.

Now, I know everyone thinks their animal is the best but this cat is an absolutely sweet heart and lover. She runs to the door when I come home from work, she sleeps with me every night, and if I’m sitting down she’s cuddling next to me. She is 100% the perfect cat.

Several months later I go to the Humane Society’s Facebook page to see if the posts about her and pictures are still up, just for curiosity’s sake. I find the post that said she had been adopted. Beneath it is a comment from her former owner, that basically can be summed up as “Oh, that’s [Cat’s Former Name]. She was my mom’s cat but she got out. We thought she was dead. Glad to see she has a home now.”

I was furious. I understand a cat getting out. But within the time the cat was missing, taken to the Humane Society, quarantined while they cleaned her up and treated her, and then put up for adoption, nobody thought to bother looking for her? They were in the same city as the Humane Society, all they had to do was tell them their cat was missing and the Society would have called them when they found her. Not to mention they somehow managed to miss the posts saying the cat had been found and was up for adoption, yet still saw the one saying she had been adopted.

I don’t know what kind of life she had with her former family but I can assure you she’s spoiled rotten now.

Question of the Week

Have you ever served a bad customer who got what they deserved?

I have a story to share!