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Unfiltered Story #247365

, , | Unfiltered | November 10, 2021

(I am in 5th grade in this story. My elementary school did this thing were before school certain 5th graders would go to school early each morning practice the announcements and then announce the announcements. This happened before school. Also it was hat day at my school, and I was wearing a hat that said: horse emoji+ rainbow emoji= unicorn emoji)

Boy: Wow your racist!

Me: How?

Boy: That hat is so racist, and you wore it to school

Me: I don’t get how my hat is racist

Boy: Well it obviously says brown horse+ rainbows= white horse. Which obviously means black person+ rainbows= white person, which is racist.

(note that I myself am not white)
Me: Oh I guess it is racist.

( I am on the verge of tears as that was my favorite hate, and I believed the boy was correct in thinking that it was racist. I sheepishly take off my hat)

Question of the Week

Have you ever served a bad customer who got what they deserved?

I have a story to share!