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Unfiltered Story #246924

, , | Unfiltered | November 4, 2021

At the time of this story, I was extremely underweight. I had several health issues flair up due to stress from several terrible things happening at my life all at once. This also caused me to have a weakened immune system so I got sick often. One day I’m sure I have strep, so I call up my doctor’s office and they agree to squeeze me in for the test.

In the waiting room, the only other people there is a mother with her two young children.

I overhear a nurse say to a young man training to be a nurse, “In the waiting room is Ms. OP. She needs her vitals taken and a strep test administered.”

His reply: “Is she the pretty one or the mom?”

The mom and I look at each other with “Did he just say that?” faces.

He called my name a couple minutes later. When we went to the area where vitals are taken, he pulled out a huge blood pressure cup, one that wrapped around my arm more than once. After a couple attempts with that, I pointed at the one that said, “For a small adult,” on the outside and asked if that would be better. When it worked the first time, he looked at me with a shocked expression, “How did you know that would work?”

Once we got in the room, he started pretty blatantly hitting on me. “Oh, you’re 25. So am I! What do you do on the weekends?”

Then it became time for the actual strep test. He told me to just open my mouth. I politely informed him that I’ve gotten dozens of strep tests done over the course of my life for various reasons and they’ve always had me lay down. He started arguing, but after 3 tries and not getting a good sample, he listened when I requested the nurse.

She came in and immediately said, “Well, the problem is that you’re trying to do it with her sitting up. Lay down, Ms. OP, you’ll be done in a jiffy.”

The whole encounter made me uncomfortable enough that I was planning on talking to them about it, but when I went in next time, I was informed he was no longer in the program and I wouldn’t be seeing him again.

Question of the Week

Have you ever served a bad customer who got what they deserved?

I have a story to share!