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Unfiltered Story #241791

, , | Unfiltered | August 16, 2021

(I’m in my Theatre I class at college. Our class is relatively small — about 17 people — and since it’s early in the semester, we’re playing a game to get to know each other’s names. The idea is that we all stand in a circle, then our teacher says someone’s name before walking towards that person. Before he reaches them, they have to say someone else’s name and start walking towards them while the teacher takes their spot in the circle. And so forth. If the person reaches you before you say a name, you’re eliminated. At this point, most of the class has been eliminated and there are six or seven people left. As someone heads towards one guy, he shouts:)


(We all stop and stare at him. There is no one named Tyler in our class.)

Teacher: …Who?

Guy: I got nervous…

(He was eliminated.)

Question of the Week

Have you ever served a bad customer who got what they deserved?

I have a story to share!