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Unfiltered Story #241776

, | Unfiltered | August 15, 2021

(This happened when I was ordering food at a certain famous fast food chain.)

Me: “I would like the fries for take out please.”

Worker: “And?”

Me: “*pauses*…Oh, that’s all, thank you.”

Worker: “By any chance, are you sick?”

Me: *thinking I misheard her* “What?”

Worker: “I said, are you sick?”

Me: “*pauses, not knowing how to answer* Er…no?”

(She turns back and grabs the fries while mumbling something, then hands it to me.)

Worker: “Okay then, that’ll be (price), have a nice day!”

(I’m still very confused about this exchange until today.)

Question of the Week

Have you ever served a bad customer who got what they deserved?

I have a story to share!