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Unfiltered Story #237170

, , | Unfiltered | June 27, 2021

I am sitting in class with two friends working on a project when i realize I need a ruler.
Me: Hey do either of you have a ruler I could use?
Friend 1:no
Friend 2: You can ask (Teacher) she might have one.
Me: She’ll probably hand me a yard stick but that’ll work just fine I guess.
I raise my hand and (Teacher) walks over.
Me: Do you have a ruler I can use?
Teacher: Yes! Let me go get it.
She walks off and comes back with a meter stick.
Teacher: You can use this meter stick, or as the elderly call it, a yard stick!
It took a couple of minutes for me and my friends to stop laughing long enough to explain to her why we were all in hysterics. After that she still calls me grandma sometimes.

Question of the Week

Have you ever served a bad customer who got what they deserved?

I have a story to share!