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Unfiltered Story #236902

, , | Unfiltered | June 21, 2021

Today is payday and my coworkers have been coming in to get their checks and a-line cards (a deposit card you can get if you don’t have a checking account) from me at the front desk.

Me: Hi [Coworker].
Coworker: Hey [My Name]. Can I get my check, please?
Me: Yep. Is it a paper check or an a-line card?
Coworker: It’s a paper check.
Me: *l look through the paper checks for her name* I’m not seeing one here…
Coworker: *starts ranting about where’s her d*** check and how she’s still getting paper checks when they’re supposed to be sending her…an a-line card*
Me: Oh? You’re supposed to be getting an a-line card? Yeah, those are here now, which is why I couldn’t find your check…*finds her name and hands her the envelope*
Coworker: *interrupts me with a loud sigh, grabs the envelope, and leaves*

I wish I could say she was the only one who did this, but she’s the third and it’s only 10:00AM.

Question of the Week

Have you ever served a bad customer who got what they deserved?

I have a story to share!