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Unfiltered Story #234203

, , , | Unfiltered | May 15, 2021

(I work at a college library as a service desk worker, meaning I check out items, take fines and answer questions. We check out universal phone chargers to students, but we only have a few, so they can run out pretty quickly. I have poor hearing, so I often have to ask patrons to repeat themselves if they speak too quietly.)

Patron: *approaching the desk* Charger?

Me: Sorry?

Patron: *raises his eyebrows at me* Charger?

(I get up and look behind the desk for a phone charger, since we keep them in a few different places, but we’re all out.)

Me: Sorry, sir, we’re all checked out.

Patron: *slowly and clearly* Char-ger? Phone char-ger?

Me: All. Checked. Out.

(He huffs, rolls his eyes at me, and walks away. I wish I could say this was the first, or the worst, time that I’ve had this exact interaction.)

Question of the Week

Have you ever served a bad customer who got what they deserved?

I have a story to share!