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Unfiltered Story #223763

, , | Unfiltered | January 27, 2021

I’m working at a library, helping patrons on the computer. A teenage flags me down, needing aid.

Me: Hello, what’s the problem.

Teen: *points to the screen* This computer is… *incoherent*
While he was talking to me, he twists his body so he is facing the computer screen with his back completely to me. Since this is a library, he’s keeping his voice low, and I can’t hear him.

Me: I’m sorry, can you repeat that?

Teen: *rolls his eyes and turns back to me* Yeah, I said this computer is…
Again, during the course of his sentence, he turns around to face the computer screen with the back of his head to me so I can’t hear him.

Me: *I move into a position so I can face him better as he turns* You need to face me so I can hear you. Can you please tell me what the problem is?

Teen: Ugh! *He turns to face me again* I SAID this computer…. *For yet a third time, he turns to face the computer screen, making it impossible to hear a word he says.*

*By this point, my coworkers are noticing the problem and watching.*

Me: I’m sorry. Are you talking to me or the computer?

Teen: What are you, stupid?! *He yells this part.*

Coworker: She needs you to face her when you speak.

Teen: I SAID that this computer is… *for yet a FOURTH time, he goes quiet at appropriate library volume and turns his head to face the computer screen. No matter where I move, I can’t get any closer between the table and chairs, so I can’t hear what he’s saying.*

Me: I’m sorry, I just can’t hear you when you turn your back to me.

Teen: I’VE HAD ENOUGH OF THIS! *He stands so suddenly he sends the chair flying backward, slams both of his palms into the keyboard, grabs his backpack so hard he almost hits someone else with it, and storms out by stamping his feet with each step.*

I still have no idea what he needed help with, but judging from the images on his screen, he was playing a video game.

Question of the Week

Have you ever served a bad customer who got what they deserved?

I have a story to share!