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Unfiltered Story #223697

, , | Unfiltered | January 23, 2021

(I am a theater tech and the current show involves a lot of complex microphones changes. My co-worker and I are stationed backstage to manage the mics. They are “Madonna mics”, meaning the actual microphone itself is on a tiny wire headset which hooks behind the actor’s head and connects to a belt pack tucked into their costume. A lot of the men’s costumes involve loose/baggy pants, so it’s difficult to clip the belt packs to their pants without it slipping down. We try to remedy this by clipping the belt packs to their underwear, which, though somewhat uncomfortable, gets the job done well enough.)

(One actor seems to find this concept incredibly funny. Every time one of us out his mic on, he tells us, “Clip it to the booty.” It becomes something of an inside joke between us.)

(On closing night, my coworker is helping him with his mic for his very last scene, and the following exchange occurs.)

Coworker: “This is the last time I’ll ever be doing this to you!”

Actor: “When I come back, are you going to do it again?”

Coworker: “This is the last scene, so no.”

Actor: “Aw. Well, I’ll email you!”

(He was actually very handsome, despite being considerably older than us. He didn’t try to email her, but he and the rest of the wonderful cast made that 16-hour work day so much more enjoyable for our staff.)

Question of the Week

Have you ever served a bad customer who got what they deserved?

I have a story to share!