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Unfiltered Story #223699

, | Unfiltered | January 23, 2021

Most supermarkets in my area need £1 to get a trolley, although you can also use tokens – discs of the same size and weight with no other purpose or value. Charities sometimes sell decorative ones. I’ve just finished my shopping and am waiting to return my trolley.

Customer: Can I just grab that? I can give you a £1
Me: Sorry, I’ve used a token today.
Customer: Look, I’ve got a quid here – I’ll give it to you. You won’t be missing out.
Me: I didn’t use a coin today, I used a token. Sorry.
Customer (huffily): If you let me take the trolley you won’t have to queue. It’s no skin off your nose.
Me: If you take the trolley and give me £1, you won’t get £1 back, you’ll get a token. I don’t want you to be out of pocket.
Customer: I can get my money back when I return it…

[person in front comes out of the trolley lane, I plug mine in and collect my token, which is bright red with a logo. I hold it up]

Customer: Oh.

Question of the Week

Have you ever served a bad customer who got what they deserved?

I have a story to share!