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Unfiltered Story #223695

, | Unfiltered | January 23, 2021

My sister was visiting me and we decided to go see a movie one night. It’s not a popular movie going night so there are literally only a handful of people. At concession, there are only 2 employees working and 2 people being served in front of us. Since there is no one else, my sister and I are lined up in the middle waiting for which ever concession stand would open up next. A lady with her son comes up from behind us.

Lady: Which line are you guys standing in?

Me: (confused) Oh, we were just waiting to see who was done next.

The lady then titled her head to the side and said the following in a tone far too conscending for my liking.

Lady: You gotta pick a line, lady.

I should’ve fired back some form of comeback, but I was too confused. I chose the right one and she got in line for the left.

I could completely understand why she would’ve been ticked if we did that on a busy night. But we were the only ones in line!

Question of the Week

Have you ever served a bad customer who got what they deserved?

I have a story to share!