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Unfiltered Story #223133

, , , | Unfiltered | January 18, 2021

(Hurricane Harvey is about to make landfall, and while San Antonio is further inland than most of the damage is forecast to reach, we are still expecting heavy rain and flash floods, along with accepting evacuees from the coast. As such, many people are stocking up just in case, and my store has sold out of several things such as bottled water, bread, batteries, flashlights… etc.)

Customer: “Hey, where are your flashlights?”

Me: “I’m sorry, sir. We sold out of those about three hours ago. We do still have some candles left over in-”

Customer: “If I <i>wanted</i> candles, I’d <i>ask</i> for candles. I need a FLASHLIGHT.”

Me: “We’re completely sold out, sorry.”

Customer: “Can you check the back?”

(Knowing it won’t do any good to tell him I and my coworkers have already checked the back several times for other customers, I agree, go to the back, wait a minute, and come back out.)

Me: “I’m sorry. There’s none in the back either.”

Customer: “Well FINE. How about camping lanterns?”

Me: “We’re sold out of those as well.”

Customer: “Check the back!”

(I repeat my earlier actions.)

Me: “No sir, none of those in the back either.”

Customer: “Why the hell didn’t you guys order more? Everyone’s known about the storm for days now!”

Me: *thinking, yes, everyone has, so if this was so important why did you wait til now to come shopping?* “Sir, we did order more. And then we sold out of that too. There has not been enough time for us to receive our next shipment, which is scheduled for tomorrow, but may be delayed until Monday, depending on the weather.”

Customer: “Well! A fat lot of good that does me!”

Me: “As I said, there are still candles available over near the stationery and home decor area. I’m not sure how many we have left, so if you want those you might want to hurry.”

Customer: “F*cking <i>fine</i>. And I’ll be talking to your manager on the way out! You should know how to stock enough to satisfy your customers.”

(The customer storms off, and about ten minutes later I hear a coworker on the walkie announcing that we have sold out of both candles and lighters. A few minutes after that I hear the customer throwing a tantrum from across the store. I’m not sure what he was doing between when he left me and when he got to the candle section, but I’m guessing he didn’t get there quickly enough…)

Question of the Week

Have you ever served a bad customer who got what they deserved?

I have a story to share!