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Unfiltered Story #223104

, , | Unfiltered | January 16, 2021

I work for a wholesale warehouse. I have for 5 years but recently moved to a new location. After I started I kept hearing about this infamous customer who was called “The Box Guy”. (It should be noted that in this company, we do not provide bags for purchases, just boxes). So for years this one guy would come in, buy the same things and go through a line in complete silence. You ask him a standard question “Hello, how are you? Do you need a box?”, he would not answer, just stare into space. Now if you know him you would know that YES, dear God YES, he needs a box. The reason being that he will stay silent and stare into space until everything is in his cart in a box EXACTLY how he wants it. If you’re new, you would have no way of knowing this because he will not say a word the whole time. There is no way of completing his transaction until everything is to his liking in the box (not that you’d know anyway). He will not pay, move or do anything until everything was in a box, exactly how he prefers it. Eventually, if its taking too long or if the cashier is impatient and getting in his face he will BLOW UP and call you every name in the book. If you’re new, this is QUITE the shock. The senior cashiers were used to it, sadly. He had been spoken to on numerous occasions by management, but he will not change.

My one interaction with him months after I transferred to this location (and I was ready for it mind you, I heard the stories) was incredibly painless. He was talking, friendly and boxed his own stuff. Like wtf?? I asked management about it later and it turns out that they said one more outburst and he’s banned from the whole company. However, when I went up to the most senior employee I could find and told them about the friendly interaction all I got was “Guess he finally got medication”.

Question of the Week

Have you ever served a bad customer who got what they deserved?

I have a story to share!