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Unfiltered Story #206258

, , | Unfiltered | August 28, 2020

I am a cashier at a big box retail store. A customer comes to my lane with a pencil case with no tag.

Guest: It’s 3 dollars.

Me: Ok. I can enter it as a ‘no barcode’, but you will not be able to return it because the DPCI will not be unique to the item. Is that ok with you?

Guest: No, I want to be able to return it if I don’t like it.

Me: Ok. Then let me pull up the Target app and see if I can find it to get the DPCI.

*I can’t figure out which one it is*

Me: Ma’am, do you know which aisle you got this from?

Guest: *points over to dollar section* over there. There’s a bunch of them over there.

Me: Ok Dollar Spot items aren’t on Target.com. If you want to be able to return it, I’ll need you to get one with a tag.

*a GSA (front end supervisor’s assistant) walks by*

Guest: He works here don’t he? Tell him to get it. I don’t work here.

Me: GSA, the guest wants another one of these with a tag so I don’t have to 999 it. She would like you to get it for her.

*GSA sighs*

Me: Ma’am since we don’t know WHAT it is, you’re the only person who knows WHERE it is.

Guest: Ugh. Just forget it. I don’t know why you all gotta be so difficult. *she leaves.*

Question of the Week

Have you ever served a bad customer who got what they deserved?

I have a story to share!