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Unfiltered Story #192481

, , | Unfiltered | April 27, 2020

I worked in a small print shop in an art supply store until a few weeks ago. (the owner didn’t really seem to understand why he had a print shop set up in the store). One guy came in, he looked like a charicature of a 70’s porno director, complete with a scarf tucked into his jacket (this was summer), and aviator sunglasses.

He had a bunch of family trees he wanted copies of. He brought in one of the old trees he had done there over a year ago to ‘show me how he wanted these new ones copied” I took the new family trees, copied them in the copy machine, brought them back to him. He immediatly started ranting they were all wrong. I asked him what was wrong, he just kept repeating that ‘you copied them wrong!” He finally slammed one down, then slammed down the old one and pointed at one of the names and screamed “The Words look different!” They were done in 2 different fonts. I tried telling him the copy machines did not change fonts, if he wanted a different font, it would need to be remade using the fonts he wanted. He was not getting it, finally said I was useless, and stormed out, leaving his originals. I have no idea if he ever came back for them.

Question of the Week

Have you ever served a bad customer who got what they deserved?

I have a story to share!