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Unfiltered Story #181181

, , | Unfiltered | December 31, 2019

(working in a retirement community leads to lots of frustrating customers, this is just one of MANY stories I have… about this lady mostly)

Resident: I need more vegetables with my meal instead of the starch. The noodles in the soup yesterday were too many! *continues telling the people sitting with her about how she needs more fiber because of the noodles throughout the entire meal*

Me: Ok, what would you like instead of the potatoes?

Resident: I’d like peas, and can I get extra peas? I don’t care if you have to charge me

Me: ok, so the special with two sides of peas?

Resident: yes, I need extra peas because of all those noodles!

Me: *tired of hearing about her constipation* Ok, I’ll go put that in for you

(Resident gets her food and finishes and asks for her ticket)

Resident: You charged me $2 extra!

Me: yes, that’s for your extra peas!

Resident: That’s too much!

Me: That’s the price of an extra side of peas

Resident: That wasn’t an extra side!

Me: You asked me to add an extra side of peas and that you didn’t care if I had to charge you

Resident: But you charged me for a whole side! I’m going to talk to [my supervisor’s supervisor] about this, because that’s just not right!

Me: alright, you do that.

Question of the Week

Have you ever served a bad customer who got what they deserved?

I have a story to share!