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Unfiltered Story #155536

, , | Unfiltered | June 25, 2019

(I work at a Canadian IT call center.)
Me: Hello, this is (My name) what can I do for you today?
Customer: Where are you guys located?
Me: We are located in Ontario, Canada.
Customer: Where’s Ontario?
Me: Um. . . . it’s in Canada?
Customer: Oh. Is it warm there?
Me: In Ontario?
Customer: Yeah people always tell me it’s hot, hot, hot in Mexico.
(I take of my headset just in time to avoid laughing my a** off in the customers ear. When I come back to the phone, I’m panting heavily and gasping for breath.)
Customer: Oh, are you alright?
Me: Oh yes ma’am. . . I have, um, a serious disease.
Customer: Oh really? What is it?
Me: I have a fatal case of the chimichangas.
Customer: Oh no! What is that?
Me: It’s like TB, but. . .
Customer: Oh no!
Me: It’s the Mexican type!
(At this point I signal for my confused coworker to take over the call so I can take a few minutes to laugh. Afterwards, he told me that the women insisted on sending me flowers, and that she would donate to help cure “chimichangas” for good.

Question of the Week

Have you ever served a bad customer who got what they deserved?

I have a story to share!