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Unfiltered Story #124861

, , , | Unfiltered | November 9, 2018

(I work in a small town hardware store, which is usually relatively quiet, so I get the chance to interact with my customers more than most cashiers. It should be noted that although I don’t “look” the part, I am a huge comic book fan. This customer had been in a few hours prior buying the same sort of item, a drill bit, so I decided to bug him about it.)

Me: You again! The first bit wasn’t good enough for you, or what?

Customer: No! Well, yes. It was a perfectly good bit, but it broke. This has been the toughest job. Apparently we’re drilling through concrete… or diamonds… or..

Me: (laughing) something like Adamantium?

Customer: YES! Wait.. What? you?! But! I was going to say that, but I didn’t think you’d… (he fist pumps into the air) THERE IS HOPE FOR US!

(At this point we’re both laughing heartily, and I unzip my work sweater to show my t-shirt, which has MARVEL written across it)

Customer: And she’s a marvel girl! Good lord, if I didn’t need to finish this job, I would propose on the spot.

Me: Well I’m done work at six, if you feel like coming back.

(He leaves, and I forget all about it, until around 5:50 when my boss approaches me with a box saying a customer had dropped it off for me. In the box was a kids spider-man ring and a little note that said “sorry I couldn’t   stick around, life of a superhero- you know. Please take this peace offering and my phone number, and give me a call sometime!
I did, and we’ve been dating ever since.)

Question of the Week

Have you ever served a bad customer who got what they deserved?

I have a story to share!