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Unfiltered Story #100586

, | Unfiltered | November 22, 2017

(While we are filing our 2016 income tax returns, our accountant discovers that someone stole my SSN (Social Security Number) and attempted to file this return. It is one of the rare times I am glad we were not expecting a tax refund.

Our accountant suggests we complete the following three steps: 1.) file an identity theft alert with the Internal Revenue Service; 2.) sign up for fraud and theft alert with the three national credit monitoring companies; and 3.) file a police report. Steps #1 and #2 were easily completed; then, we had this experience with Step #3: )

Police Officer: “Hello, you have reached the non-emergency phone number. What is your concern or problem?”

Me: “We’ve just found out that someone tried to file a tax return under my SSN, and our accountant suggested we file a police report.”

Police Officer: (long sigh) “Well, you can just call 911 and request a police officer to do it at your home.”

Me: “I just want to make sure I heard correctly. You’re suggesting I call 911 to file this identity-theft claim? But I though 911 was just for emergencies.”

Police Officer: “Yes, it is for emergencies. If you felt this concern was an emergency, this is a quicker way to file this type of police report.”

Me: “No, it is not an emergency; my wallet and purse were not stolen. Someone tried to fraudulently file a tax return with my SSN.”

Police Officer: (another sigh) “Okay, ma’am. You and your husband can come to the police station and file your report there.”

(Somehow, I am not comforted that my local tax dollars would be used to cover the 911 expenses–of filing a non-emergency police report!)

Question of the Week

Have you ever served a bad customer who got what they deserved?

I have a story to share!