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Those Things Aren’t Mutually Exclusive, But They Should Probably Have Checked

, , , | Working | June 9, 2020

I am the manager of a clothing store. I have come in for the starting shift; however, my car had difficulty starting so I am late. I am at the side entrance for employees only and have been knocking for some time. There are only two keys for this entrance, which is split between the four managers, and I unfortunately took a short straw. I can see someone through the slits in the window, but it seems they are completely ignoring me. I phone the duty manager who is on the same shift.

This is what happens on the other side of the door. 

Duty Manager: “[New Start], the store manager is at the door. Can you let her in?”

New Start: “I can’t. Some crazy old hag is out there banging. I think she’s going to kill us.”

After a pause, the duty manager comes and lets me in.

Duty Manager: “[New Start], this is [My Name]: the crazy old hag who also happens to be the store manager.”

While I can appreciate his concern for safety, his attitude didn’t improve towards his colleagues and the customers. He was let go after his induction period.

Question of the Week

Have you ever served a bad customer who got what they deserved?

I have a story to share!