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| Working | July 14, 2016

(I’m a customer service manager at a large department store. Part of my job is running to check prices if the cashiers can’t get ahold of anyone on the floor. One of the cashiers waves me over.)

Cashier: “I need you to check the price on those placentas in the middle aisle.”

Me: “Excuse me?!”

Cashier: “The placentas! Check the price on the placentas!”

Me: “Do you mean the poinsettias?”

Cashier: “Yes, the placentas!”


Dear readers! You’ll notice that this story doesn’t have a title. That is because we’d like to invite you to come up with a suggestion of your own in the comments below. It can be witty, punny, surreal, anything you want – just keep it PG please! The funniest suggestion will become the title of the story. Good luck!

Question of the Week

Have you ever served a bad customer who got what they deserved?

I have a story to share!