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This Political Correctness Is Going To Give You An Apoplectic Fit

, , , | Right | January 8, 2024

I am serving a customer in my checkout lane. Another customer a few lanes over is upset that their coupons have expired and gets angry to the point of being physical. Security and eventually the police are called, and the customer is escorted out. The customer I am serving is talking to me about it.

Customer: “That was crazy!”

Me: “Yeah, that was. Thankfully, we don’t get them that bad too often.”

Customer: “That’s good! I thought his head was going to explode!”

Me: “Yeah! I thought he was going to have an apoplectic fit!”

Customer: “You shouldn’t say that! That’s offensive!”

Me: “To who?”

Customer: “To people who suffer from apoplexy!”

Me: “It’s not really a well-used medical term these days. Now it just means people are furious.”

Customer: “No! You can’t say it as a joke! You’re still offending people!”

Me: “I’m offending… angry people?”

Customer: “Yes!” 

Me: “Ma’am, no offense, but if they’re already angry with me, I think they’re already offended.”

Question of the Week

Have you ever served a bad customer who got what they deserved?

I have a story to share!