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The Manager Needs A Talking-Two

| Working | February 7, 2017

(My till is being counted out at the end of the night and my manager is going over all the USD I got. She comes across a two-dollar bill.)

Manager: “[My Name], these are fake. Why did you accept them?”

Me: “There’s a button for USD.”

Manager: “But there’s not a space for it on our sheet so it doesn’t count.” *she crumples up the USD and continues counting*

(I tell my dad this story in the car ride home and he is shocked.)

Dad: “$2 USD is hard to come by. They’re rare!”

(He made me write down date and time of my till counting in case a problem arose so I could prove she threw out ACTUAL currency!)

Question of the Week

Have you ever served a bad customer who got what they deserved?

I have a story to share!